Sneaky Anger:Often referred to as “sideways angers” or “passive aggressive anger”, sneaky anger seems to come from nowhere…it often look like forgetfulness, lack of follow through and can be frustrating to those around the angry person.
Paranoid Anger: People with Paranoid anger give their anger away. They think everybody else is angry instead of acknowledging their own rage. People who disguise their anger as paranoid anger often spend much time jealously guarding and defending what they think is theirs - the love of a partner (real or imagined), their money, or their valuables.
Sudden Anger: People who express anger as “sudden rage” enjoy a surge of power. They discharge all their feelings and can feel satisfied and relieved. However, the loss of control is a major problem for others frequently resulting in emotional or physical abuse. Most people who engage in sudden anger do things they later regret, but by then it's too late to take them back.
Deliberate Anger: Deliberate anger is used by bullies to control others. Power and control are gained by threatening or overpowering others.
Moral Anger: Moral anger commonly manifests as the right to defend a "belief." People with this anger style feel outraged about what “bad” people are doing and claim moral superiority. They assert that anger is for a good and justified cause. They don't feel guilty when they get angry and frequently feel superior to others.